Bringhe is a flavored rice dish much like paella. It is made of malagkit (glutinous) rice cooked in gata(coconut milk), colored and flavored with turmeric, and topped with chicken, pork, and vegetables. It is traditionally cooked in banana leaves to prevent it from sticking to the pan and to make it aromatic. It originated in Pampanga and is served at country weddings and town fiestas in the Northern Luzon.
§ 1 Kilo of dressed chicken
§ 5 cups of coconut milk
§ 4 cups of malagkit rice
§ 3 cloves of garlic, crushed
§ 1/4 cup of cooking oil
§ 1 medium-size onion, sliced
§ 5 tablespoons yellow ginger root juice
§ 1 medium-size green pepper. roasted and peeled and cut into cubes
§ 2 hard boiled egg, sliced
§ salt and pepper
Split the chicken and the joints into desired size then clean and wash thorougly, drain and set aside.
Add 3-4 cups of water to the grated coconut, squeeze the coconut until the milk is extracted little by little. strain and set aside.
Wash the malagkit rice three times, drain and set aside.
saute the garlic in a sauce pan over high heat, add the onion and the chicken, cook until the chicken is slightly brown. Add the patis and ginger root juice. Then, add the malagkit rice and cook for about 10 minutes.
Prepare the green pepper and set aside. Peel the yellow ginger, crush with mortar and pestle, squeeze and extrect the yellow juice.
To the chicken mixture, add the coconut milk, gradually strir, then cover. Cook until the rice is done, adjust the flame so as not to scorch the pan.
Prepare another heavy-duty cointainer. Line the bottom with wilted banana leaves. Transfer the chicken and rice to the layer of banana leaves. Cover with another layer of banana leaves. Put lid over cooking utensil and steam over a low flame until rice done.
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